How You and Your Business Can Benefit from SARS’ Solar Tax Breaks

“The lack of reliable electricity supply is the biggest economic constraint
 I am pleased to announce two tax measures to encourage businesses and individuals to invest in renewable energy and increase electricity generation.”(Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana – Budget 2023) In the 2023 Budget, the lack of a reliable electricity supply was highlighted as the country’s […]

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Affordable Ways to Reap the Benefits of Engaged Employees

“Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.” (Stephen R. Covey) Gallup describes “engaged employees” as those who are involved in, enthusiastic about, and committed to their work and workplace. Numerous studies over many decades have confirmed the benefits of engaged employees especially to smaller companies, where they are […]

Setting Up Your Finances in a New Business

“A house built on granite and strong foundations, not even the onslaught of pouring rain, gushing torrents and strong winds will be able to pull down.” (Haile Selassie, Former Emperor of Ethiopia) When starting a new business, few things are as important as establishing your finances and making sure they are right. Building the foundation […]

Happy Tax Freedom Day!

“In 2022 South Africa had the 12th highest income tax burden, the 9th highest company income tax burden, and the 14th highest non-resource tax burden worldwide.” (Garth Zietsman, South Africa’s Tax Freedom Day statistician)  Tax Freedom Day marks the day in the year when South Africans stop giving all their money to their government for the year and […]

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Your Tax Deadlines for May 2023

5 May – Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 30 May – Excise Duty payments 31 May – Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments & CIT Provisional payments where applicable. Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be used or relied on as professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions […]

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Why (and How) to Submit Skills Development Reports by 30 April

“We need to give importance to skill development because this way we can end unemployment.” (Narendra Modi, Prime Minister, India) Since 1999, the Skills Development Levy (SDL) has served to fund skills development in the country. It encourages a planned and structured approach to skills development so employers, employees and the economy can benefit from […]

UDZ Tax Incentive Extended: Could Your Business Benefit?

governments internationally have increasingly used tax measures to support efforts aimed at regenerating urban areas.” (SARS Guide to the UDZ Allowance) The urban development zone (UDZ) tax incentive, provided for in section 13quat of the Income Tax Act (the Act), was introduced 20 years ago in 2003, as an accelerated depreciation allowance for property investments in certain central business […]

Tips for Generating Customer Trust as a Start Up

“Consumers don’t just buy products and services anymore; they buy experiences. This demands a new approach to marketing, sales, and services; one that hinges on winning customer trust.” (Ben Jackson, Author “The Future of Commerce) With customer trust being the most important element in attracting sales, contracts and clients, gaining that trust is an important […]

Your Tax Deadlines for April 2023

1 April – Start of the 2022/23 Financial Year 6 April – Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 26 April – Excise Duty payments 28 April – Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments & CIT Provisional payments where applicable. Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be used or relied on as professional advice. No […]

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Budget 2023: How It Affects You and Your Business

“This is not an austerity budget. It is a budget that makes tough trade-offs in the interests of the country’s short and long term prosperity.” (Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana – Budget 2023) Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana’s second Budget contained no major tax proposals, thanks to an improvement in revenue from higher collection in corporate and personal […]

Five Essential Bookkeeping Tips for Small Businesses

“Making good judgements when one has complete data, facts, and knowledge is not leadership – it’s bookkeeping” (Dee Hock, Founder and CEO of VISA) When running a small business, it often feels like you are doing everything yourself, and some important tasks can slip under the radar. One aspect that should never be forgotten though […]

Effective 1 March 2023: New Earnings Threshold and National Minimum Wage

Employers and employees need to keep an eye on the annual increases in both the National Minimum Wage and the Earnings Threshold, summarised below for your convenience. Both are effective from 1 March 2023. The National Minimum Wage increase The National Minimum Wage (NMW) for each “ordinary hour worked” has been increased by 9.6% from […]

Your Tax Deadlines for March 2023

7 March – Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments  30 March – Excise Duty payments  31 March – End of the 2022/23 Financial Year  31 March – Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments & CIT Provisional payments where applicable. Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be used or relied on as professional advice. No […]

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Ignoring an Online Review Could be Catastrophic for Your Business!

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning” (Bill Gates) If you have founded a business then there is little less certain than that at some point in the future, you will get a bad review. It’s simply impossible to please all of the people all of the time, which is why many […]

Maximise Your Business Travel Tax Deduction

“Without a logbook, you will not be able to claim a travel deduction.” (SARS Travel Logbook 2022/23) Even while recovering from the economic impact of COVID and facing the challenges of power blackouts, businesses and their employees are also contending with the costs of travel that have reached historic highs. Thankfully, expenses related to business […]

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Budget 2023: The Minister of Finance Wants to Hear from You!

“Finally, we pay tribute to the millions of South Africans, whose resilience and courage during these times of pandemic and economic hardship, is an inspiration to all of us who have the privilege to serve in the public sector.” (From the 2022 Budget Speech) Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana has invited the public to share suggestions […]

Start 2023 Strong with the “Fresh Start Effect”

“We change our tools and then our tools change us.” (Jeff Bezos) Every January, individuals and businesses have an opportunity to take advantage of what is called the “Fresh Start Effect” – referring to research evidence that shows people are more likely to make positive changes at times that mark the start of a new […]

The Financial Steps You Need to Take Before You Open Your New Business

“Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets planning,” – Thomas Edison You have your idea, you have your mission statement and perhaps you even have an idea of who your first customers will be, but there are still a few things you should consider doing before you launch your company. When it comes to […]

The Importance of Maintaining Your Tax Compliance Status in 2023

“Being tax compliant
 is not just good for you, but also contributes to the positive growth of our country’s economy which in turn benefits all South Africans.” (SARS) Businesses are often required to provide, confirm or share tax clearance information to another entity. This is because proof of tax compliance is an indicator of a […]

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How to Know if You Need an Office for Your Business (and How to Make the Most of a Lease if You Do)

“In business, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate,” Chester Karrass, Founder of Seminar group Karrass. At some point, around halfway through the pandemic, experts began to whisper that office space was dead. “No one will be using an office by 2023,” they said. And yet, while it’s true that office […]

Simple Communication Tips to Boost Your Profitability

“Communication is a skill that you can learn. It’s like riding a bicycle or typing. If you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.” (American business speaker Brian Tracy) Successful communication can be the difference between a profitable business and a failing one. Leaders who […]

What is the Metaverse and How Will It Impact Your Business?

“Metaverse isn’t a thing a company builds. It’s the next chapter of the internet overall” (Mark Zuckerberg, Meta) Among businesses, one of the most misunderstood aspects at the moment is ‘The Metaverse’. Businesses that do understand this new phase of the internet are currently seizing opportunities that their competition doesn’t even know exist. This is […]

Selling Your Business – Plan Well, with a Tax Benefit When You Retire

“A diligent buyer will want up to five years’ worth of profit and loss statements, bank statements, tax returns, leases, supplier and vendor contracts, and customer data.” (Barbara Findlay Schenck – Author “Selling Your Business for Dummies”)  The reasons why a business owner might decide to sell their business are many – perhaps to pursue […]

Business Loan or a Credit Facility – Which Is Right for Your Business?

“I would borrow money all day long, if the cost of borrowing is less than the expected return.” (Brad Schneider, American congressman) At some point it’s more likely than not that your small business will require a business loan. A 2021 study done by Fundera (a US financial resource business that sources financing for small […]

SARS Can Take Money from Your Account! Here’s How to Prevent It

“[Taxpayers] should give at least the same priority to tax obligations as their other responsibilities.” (SARS’ Short Guide to the Tax Administration Act) SARS has wide powers when it comes to the collection of tax debts and just one of these is the power to collect money owed by taxpayers from third parties who hold […]

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Don’t Let Fraud Infect and Damage Your Company

“In a way, fraud in business is no different from infidelity in marriage or plagiarism in scholarly work. Even people committed to high moral standards succumb” (Miroslav Volf, Director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture)  Fraud (in this context) is the act wherein an employee or trusted partner makes a financial gain through […]

9 Key Metrics Every Business Should Track

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” (Peter Drucker) Metrics are defined as a set of numbers that give information about a particular process or activity. In a business context, a metric is a quantifiable measure used to track, monitor and assess the performance of various business processes. Also known as key performance indicators or […]

Are You Claiming Your Full Tax Relief for Disability-Related Medical Expenses?

“South Africa is aligned with the practice in many other countries of granting tax relief for medical expenditure.” (SARS) In South Africa, tax relief for medical expenses is provided through a medical tax credit system. This means the tax relief is provided as a tax rebate – a reduction in tax payable. If you are […]

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How The Gig Economy Is Changing Traditional Businesses

“If you’re trying to create a company, it’s like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion” (Elon Musk) The move to the gig economy has been in the works for years. Even before the pandemic people were leaving their jobs to “consult independently” from small towns around the […]

Your Tax Deadlines for October 2022

7 October – Monthly PAYE submissions and payments 25 October – VAT manual submissions and payments 28 October – Excise Duty payments 31 October – Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments & CIT Provisional payments. Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be used or relied on as professional advice. No liability can be accepted […]

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Recession on the Horizon: Here’s How to Survive

“During recession greed dies, frugality survives.” (Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words)  With yet another return of loadshedding in August, and major banks upgrading their forecasts to reflect an increased possibility of further economic downturns, recession feels inevitable in South Africa. A recession is simply where an economy stops growing and starts retracting. A generally held […]

Are You Ready for a COIDA Employer Site Visit and Audit?

“The main objective
 is to provide compensation for disablement caused by occupational injuries or diseases sustained or contracted by employees, or for death resulting from injuries or diseases
” (Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act) Most employers – and particularly smaller businesses and domestic employers – are not able to provide cost-effective medical or insurance […]

Loadshedding: Tax Incentives for Energy Efficiency and Alternative Power

“This is a call for all South Africans to be part of the solution; to contribute in whatever way they can to ending energy scarcity in South Africa.” (President Cyril Ramaphosa) For more than a decade, local businesses have faced the huge challenge of an unreliable power supply from a state-owned monopoly that allowed very […]

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Your Tax Deadlines for September 2022

7 September – Monthly PAYE submissions and payments 23 September – VAT manual submissions and payments 29 September – Excise Duty payments 30 September – End of the 2nd Financial Quarter 30 September – VAT electronic submissions and payments, PIT top-up & CIT Provisional payments. Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be used or relied on […]

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The Importance of a Good Credit Score

 â€œYou cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” (Abraham Lincoln) A good business credit score is a critical tool in business success as it helps your business unlock, establish and maintain relationships with lenders, suppliers and vendors. It reveals whether an organisation should lend your business money, give it credit or enter […]

Choosing Accounting Software for Your Small Business

“Creativity is great – but not in accounting.” (Charles Scott, Former governor of Kentucky) Being able to track money as it is coming in and going out is essential for small business owners. Not having proper cash flow management and a full understanding of where your money is going makes it hard to analyse where […]

Your Tax Deadlines for August 2022

5 August – Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 25 August – Value-Added Tax (VAT) manual submissions and payments 30 August – Excise Duty payments 31 August – Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments & CIT Provisional payments where applicable. Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be used or relied on as professional advice. […]

Posted in Tax

Owe SARS a Tax Debt? Here Are Your Options

“Tax debtors are expected to take responsibility for their tax obligations and to organise their affairs in such a way as to be able to discharge those responsibilities when required. They should give at least the same priority to tax obligations as their other responsibilities.” (SARS’ Short Guide to the Tax Administration Act) To avoid […]

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Your Tax Deadlines for July 2022

7 July – Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 25 July – Value-Added Tax (VAT) manual submissions and payments 28 July – Excise Duty payments 29 July – Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments & CIT Provisional payments where applicable. Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be used or relied on as professional advice. […]

Posted in Tax

Your Tax Deadlines for June 2022

7 June – Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 24 June – Value-Added Tax (VAT) manual submissions and payments 29 June – Excise Duty payments 30 June – Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments & CIT Provisional payments where applicable 30 June – End of the 1st Financial Quarter Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not […]

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Estate Planning: Act Now to Protect Your Family and Business After You Are Gone

“The golden rule of all estate planning is: don’t wait.” ( Just 20% of South Africans have a valid will (“Last Will and Testament”), resulting in countless heart-breaking stories of grief-stricken surviving spouses and children with no income or access to funds as bank accounts have been closed, floundering in confusion with no idea where […]

How to Prepare for and Manage a Business Crisis

“When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.” (John F. Kennedy, 35th U.S. President) When people hear the term “crisis management” they immediately picture a PR team in front of the media defending a company from an unpredictable disaster, but crises that close down […]

Five Financial Reports for Informed Decision-Making

“What gets measured, gets managed.” (Peter Drucker) Financial reports, such as a balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, debtors reports and actual spend vs budget reports, provide an understanding of where your business stands financially at a certain point in time. They detail the business’s financial performance over a period and also raise red […]

Tax Freedom Day 2022: The Day We Stopped Working for Government

“Taxpayer: One who doesn’t have to pass a civil service exam to work for the government” (Anonymous) “Tax Freedom Day” is the first day of the year on which we South Africans (we’re talking about the “average” taxpayer here) have finally earned enough to pay off SARS and to start working for ourselves. This year […]

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The Simple Solution to Hassle-Free EMP501 Final Recons

“The employer in collaborating with SARS plays a critical coalition towards adherence and compliance of tax principles and laws.” (SARS External Guide – A Guide to The Employer Reconciliation Process) By law, employers must deduct or withhold employees’ tax from remuneration and pay this to SARS monthly on or before the 7th of the following […]

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The 7 Signs It’s Time to Move Your Business Out of The Garage

“One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight, for a very long time, of the shore.” (Andre Gide) All of the largest businesses in the world started small. Apple, Google, and Amazon were all famously founded in garages. Now these giant multi-billion-dollar companies occupy multiple office blocks that dwarf football stadiums. This happened […]

Companies: How Will the Reduced Tax Rate and Assessed Loss Rules Affect You?

“What the government gives it must first take away.” (John S. Coleman) It certainly seemed like a win for taxpayers when Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana announced in his February Budget Speech that the corporate income tax (CIT) rate has been reduced from 28% to 27% for companies with a tax year ending on or after […]

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Your Tax Deadlines for May 2022

06 May Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 25 May Value-Added Tax (VAT) manual submissions and payments 30 May Excise Duty payments 31 May Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments & CIT Provisional payments where applicable. Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be used or relied on as professional advice. No liability can be accepted for […]

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What The New Employment Tax Incentive Limits Mean for Your Business

“Since the unemployment rate in the Republic is of concern to Government; and since Government recognises the need to share the costs of expanding job opportunities with the private sector
” (Preamble to the Employment Tax Incentive Act 26 of 2013 [ETI Act]) During Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana’s 2022 Budget Speech, a substantial 50% increase in […]

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When, Why and Whose Jobs You Should Be Outsourcing

“If you deprive yourself of outsourcing and your competitors do not, you’re putting yourself out of business.” (Lee Kuan Yew, Former Prime Minister of Singapore) Launching a business requires the small business owner to wear many hats. From marketing, to accounting and HR the small business owner needs to learn any number of skills to […]

Planning to Cease Being a South African Tax Resident? What You Should Know Before Approaching SARS

“Dear IRS, I am writing to you to cancel my subscription. Please remove my name from your mailing list.” (Snoopy) According to some estimates, as many as 1,900 millionaires have left South Africa over the last few years. A New World Wealth Africa report indicates that 4,200 high net-worth individuals left the country over the […]

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A Guide to Accessing Funds That Can Help Your Small Business

“All company bosses want a policy on corporate social responsibility. The positive effect is hard to quantify, but the negative consequences of a disaster are enormous” (English economist and academic, Noreena Hertz) Stimulating the SME sector is considered as one of the quicker ways to rejuvenating the economy. According to a 2020 survey by McKinsey […]

Your Tax Deadlines for April 2022

1 April Start of the 2022/23 Financial Year 7 April Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 25 April Value-Added Tax (VAT) manual submissions and payments 28 April Excise Duty payments 29 April Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments & CIT Provisional payments where applicable. Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be used or relied on […]

Posted in Tax

Budget 2022: Your Share of Billions in Tax Relief and Business Support

“Now is not the time to increase taxes and put the recovery at risk! Accordingly, we have decided to keep money in the pockets of South Africans.” (Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana) The 2022 Budget Speech brought some good news and welcome tax relief to personal and business taxpayers, This is possible thanks to tax revenue […]

Multiple Income Streams? The PAYE Dangers and a New Option for Pensioners

“Every advantage has its tax.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson) An unfortunate reality for many non-provisional taxpayers with multiple income streams is a large and unexpected tax liability following a year-end tax assessment – even though PAYE was paid each month on their income streams. Taxable income streams include salaries and wages, allowances, pensions and retirement annuities, […]

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Your Tax Deadlines for March 2022

7 March Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 25 March Value-Added Tax (VAT) manual submissions and payments 30 March Excise Duty payments 31 March End of the 2021/22 Financial year 31 March Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments & CIT Provisional payments where applicable Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be used or relied […]

Posted in Tax

Financial Year End Reporting: Challenges to Manage, Opportunities for Benefit

“Any remedy is going to depend on having financial statements that are reliable” (Tom Foley) On the last day of February each year, many companies face their end of financial year or “EOFY”.  Whether it’s referred to as the EOFY, Close of the Financial Period, Financial Year End or FYE, or simply ‘Year End’, this […]

Six Tips for Creating a Distraction-Free Home Office

“Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” (Albert Einstein) To many people the idea of working from home can seem like a dream. Just avoiding the daily commute makes it worthwhile for many, but add in the benefits that arise from being present for your family, and […]

Small Businesses That Survived 2021 – How They Made It

“At the heart of the strategy is a strong belief
that systemic problems require systemic solutions” (MIT Sloan associate deans, Fiona Muray and Ray Reagans) Businesses usually spend the last quarter of the year reflecting on how they have done and using the lessons learned in planning for the year ahead, while also keeping a keen eye on government’s financial […]

Seven Crucial Tax and Other Issues to Address When an Employee Dies

“Employees are the key to your success… Treat them well!” (Ron Kaufman) The death of an employee can be a difficult situation in any company, but particularly so in smaller businesses where employees work more closely together and often consider each other more than just co-workers. In addition to handling the emotional aspect of such […]

Budget 2022: The Minister of Finance Wants to Hear from You!

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana has invited the public to share suggestions on the 2022 Budget he is expected to deliver on Wednesday 23 February 2022. The Ministry of Finance: “As usual, the budget allocation always aims to strike a balance between competing national spending priorities 
 suggestions must pertain to what should government be spending […]

Your Tax Deadlines for February 2022

7 February Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 25 February Excise Duty payments 25 February Value-Added Tax (VAT) manual submissions and payments 28 February Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments, PIT & CIT Provisional Payments where applicable. Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be used or relied on as professional advice. No liability can […]

Posted in Tax

Interest Rate Hikes: How to Buffer Your Business in 2022 and Beyond

“The implied policy rate path of the Quarterly Projection Model indicates an increase of 25 basis points in the fourth quarter of 2021 and further increases in each quarter of 2022, 2023 and 2024.” (Lesetja Kganyago, SARB Governor) After cutting interest rates by 275 basis points to record lows in response to the economic crisis […]

SMEs – Why You Should Consider Employee Benefit Packages

“Human resources isn’t a thing we do, it’s the thing that runs our business” (American real estate developer, Steve Wynne) An effective employee benefit strategy is more of an advantage to an employer than may at first meet the eye. Although providing benefits naturally comes at a price, it also comes with substantial benefits, plus you stand to […]

Your Tax Deadlines for January 2022

 7 January Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 25 January Value-Added Tax (VAT) manual submissions and payments 28 January End of Filing Season 2021 for Individuals (Provisional) and Trusts 28 January Excise Duty payments 31 January Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments & CIT Provisional payments where applicable Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not […]

Posted in Tax

Festive Season Cybercrime Alert: Tips from SARS

“Cyber Attack: An attack, via cyberspace, targeting an enterprise’s use of cyberspace for the purpose of disrupting, disabling, destroying, or maliciously controlling a computing environment/infrastructure; or destroying the integrity of the data or stealing controlled information.” (CSRC – Computer Security Resource Center) South African businesses, already facing significant risk of cyberattacks, have been warned to […]

The Hybrid Workforce Debate: What SMEs Need to Know

“Success in a hybrid work environment requires employers to move beyond viewing remote or hybrid environments as a temporary or short term strategy and to treat it as an opportunity” (Vice President of Gartner, George Penn) The gradual transition from the conventional office environment to a remote, tech-savvy workforce has been topical in various industries […]

What To Do When Preparing to Sell Your Business

“As much as you might love running your business, you must have an end-goal in the plan. At the very least, an exit strategy keeps you from turning your business into a glorified job – working from home, but with longer hours.” (Kevin J. Donaldson) A new year beckons, and you may be thinking that […]

Your Tax Deadlines for December 2021

2 December – Extended filing season deadline for non-provisional individual taxpayers (originally 23 November 2021) 7 December – Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 24 December – Value-Added Tax (VAT) manual submissions and payments 30 December – Excise Duty payments 31 December – Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Provisional Tax payments where applicable 31 December – […]

Posted in Tax

How To Get a R1.8m CGT Exclusion When Selling Your Small Business

“The tax on capital gains directly affects investment decisions, the mobility and flow of risk capital… the ease or difficulty experienced by new ventures in obtaining capital, and thereby the strength and potential for growth in the economy” (John F. Kennedy) Since October 2001 South African tax residents have been liable for capital gains tax […]

Boost Your Business Plan – Build an Effective Website with These 6 Tips

“Almost overnight the internet has gone from a technical wonder to a business must” (Bill Schrader)  No matter the size of your business or what industry you are in, building and maintaining an effective website should be at the heart of all your planning. The internet has become an essential part of everyday life and […]

Cloud Computing Offers Small Businesses New Age Solutions for Less

“Cloud is about how you do computing, not where you do computing” (Author and former CEO of tech company VMware, Paul Maritz). “Working in a cloud” favours companies of all sizes, specialising in different trades, and allows them to manage their work according to their own preferences of operations. The “cloud” is simply a server […]

Your Tax Deadlines for November 2021

05 November – Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 23 November – End of Filing Season 2021 for Individuals (Non-Provisional) 25 November – Value-Added Tax (VAT) manual submissions and payments 29 November – Excise Duty payments 30 November – Corporate Income Tax (CIT) where applicable 30 November – Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments […]

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Small Businesses: Reap the Benefits of Cashless Transactions

“Mobile devices, high-speed data communication, and online commerce are creating expectations that convenient, secure, real-time payment and banking capabilities should be available whenever and wherever they are needed” (Chair of the Federal Reserve of the United States, Jerome Powell) South Africa is already a cash-heavy economy as it is and this reliance on cash is […]

How to Build Your Business with Freelancers

“The gig economy is empowerment. This new business paradigm empowers individuals to better shape their own destiny and leverage their existing assets to their benefit” (John McAfee) The modern world of work was already changing by the time Covid-19 hit. The “gig economy” had taken hold and numerous apps allowed employers to connect with freelancers […]

Crypto Assets and Tax – From the Horse’s Mouth

“The future of money is digital currency” (Bill Gates) If you are thinking of buying – or have bought – any “crypto asset” such as a crypto currency like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, Solana (or any of the many other crypto currencies springing up all over the place), be aware of the tax implications. For a […]

Your Tax Deadlines for October 2021

7 October – Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments 25 October – Value-Added Tax (VAT) manual submissions and payments  28 October – Excise Duty payments  29 October – Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Provisional Tax payments where applicable  29 October – Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments. Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be used […]

Posted in Tax